ACC hopes the document can be used to guide clinicians’ COVID-19 patient outreach while vaccine demand exceeds supply.
heart disease
AHA Guidelines: Time to Revisit Thinking on Pregnancy in Women with Complex Congenital Heart Disease
In a notable twist on conventional wisdom, a new American Heart Association scientific statement on managing pregnancy in patients with complex congenital…
Broken Heart Syndrome on the Rise, Especially in Older Women
Cases of Broken Heart syndrome have been increasing, especially among women 50 and older, according to a study published recently by the Journal of the American Heart Association.
Common Virus Tied to Diabetes, Heart Disease in Women Under 50
A type of herpes virus that infects about half of the U.S. population has been associated with risk factors for…
Eating Alone May Contribute to Heart Disease in Older Women
Older women who eat alone are at a higher risk of heart disease, according to a study published this month…
How dietary factors influence disease risk
Having too much sugar, salt, or fat in your diet can raise your risk for certain diseases. Healthy eating can…
Intermittent Fasting Could Reduce Diabetes, Heart Disease Risk
Intermittent fasting could help manage and prevent chronic conditions such as diabetes and heart disease.
Menstrual Cycle Length Near Menopause Could Predict Heart Risk
Changes in the length of a woman’s menstrual cycle in the years just prior to menopause can offer clues to their risk of developing heart disease.