
Message from the CEO

Author(s): By Gay Johnson, CEO
As the New Year continues to un- fold, I am excited about all that lies ahead. First, we welcome four new board members:

  • Heidi Fantasia, PhD, RN, WHNP-BC, Assistant Professor at the University of Massachusetts in Lowell
  • Rachel Gorham, MSN, WHNP-BC, AGN-BC, women’s health nurse practitioner at Physicians Medical Center in the State of Washington
  • Shawana Moore, DNP, MSN, CRNP, WHNP, Assistant Professor/WHNP and Program Director at Thomas Jefferson University College of Nursing in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • Sandi Tenfelde, PhD, RN, APN, WHNP-BC, Associate Professor and Director of the Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner program at Loyola University Chicago, Marcella Niehoff School of Nursing, in Illinois.


Gay Johnson, CEO

We look forward to working with these WHNPs as part of our team.
Some of you had a sneak peek at our H.E.R. Hub (Health, Education, Resources for Her) while attending the NPWH conference in San Antonio this past October. If you haven’t seen it, check out this link on our website. This portal, which we plan to launch soon, will offer helpful information for you to share with your patients.
2019 marks the sixth year that NPWH is offering the Women’s Sexual Health Course for NPs. This year, the course will be held in Orlando, Florida, from May 30 through June 2. We look forward to welcoming new NPs to the course and are always delighted to see NPs who have attended in the past. This is the only program specifically designed for NPs regarding female sexual dysfunction (FSD). The knowledge and skill-building provided

by this course will help prepare NPs to initiate sensitive discussions with their patients and increase their ability to evaluate, diagnose, and manage FSD. The faculty members for the course are highly trained and sought after for their expertise in the field of sexual medicine. The course schedule appears on the following pages. We look forward to seeing you in Orlando!

– Gay Johnson Chief Executive Officer, NPWH


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