Barriers to care for sexual assault survivors of childbearing age: An integrative reviewResearch indicates that only a small fraction of sexual assault survivors seek comprehensive care—including physical and mental healthcare, forensic evidence…
Collaboration in practice: A framework for team-based careSince passage of the Affordable Care Act in 2010, alternate care delivery models such as patient- centered health homes and accountable care…
Do alternative therapies help with menopause?A recent study examined the use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) to help women as they transition into menopause.…
Acupressure improves QOL in nurses with chronic back painA study published in Applied Nursing Science details how acupressure may help nurses who experience chronic back pain. (more…)
Top heart health apps for nurse practitionersTo acknowledge American Heart Month, Women’s Healthcare would like to highlight some of the best heart health apps, including some providers…
Barriers to care for sexual assault survivors of childbearing age: An integrative reviewMichelle L. Munro, PhD, CNM, FNP-BC